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Integrating Human Rights Principles and Gender Aspects in Financial Sector: A Handbook for Banks

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PB 41 – Pasien Kanker di Indonesia Masih Menanggung Beban Biaya Out-of-pocket

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Analysis of Tax Asymmetry and Potential Revenue from Wealth Tax in Indonesia, The Philippines and Vietnam

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Integrating Human Rights Principles and Gender Aspects in Financial Sector: A Handbook for Banks

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Integrating Human Rights Principles and Gender Aspects in Financial Sector: A Handbook for Banks

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PB 41 – Pasien Kanker di Indonesia Masih Menanggung Beban Biaya Out-of-pocket

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Analysis of Tax Asymmetry and Potential Revenue from Wealth Tax in Indonesia, The Philippines and Vietnam

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Indeks Kemiskinan Multidimensi (IKM) 2012\u002D2014 Image

Indeks Kemiskinan Multidimensi (IKM) 2012-2014

Laporan penghitungan IKM Indonesia ini berisi penghitungan nilai IKM pada tingkat nasional, provinsi dan kabupaten/kota. Sumber data utama yang kami gunakan adalah Susenas (Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional) BPS dari tahun 2012-2014. Khusus untuk tahun 2014, kami hanya mendapatkan data sampai triwulan pertama. Dengan besaran sampel Susenas lebih kurang 300.000 rumah tangga di seluruh provinsi maka kami yakin ini sangat mencerminkan kondisi riil. Beberapa temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa daerah yang angka kemiskinan moneternya tinggi, tetapi angka kemiskinan multidimensinya rendah, begitu pula sebaliknya. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa melihat kemiskinan hanya dari sisi pendapatan atau konsumsi saja tidak cukup dan IKM, sekali lagi, dapat dipakai sebagai "supplemen" perhitungan kemiskinan moneter. Temuan lain dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kemiskinan pada beberapa daerah sebagian besar terpusat di daerah perdesaan, yang menunjukkan bahwa perlunya pembangunan yang menyeluruh, termasuk di daerah perdesaan. Untuk lebih lengkapnya, silakan unduh laporan berikut ini.
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Policy analysis

Arah dan Strategi Kebijakan Penurunan Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI), Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB) dan Angka Kematian Balita (AKABA) di Indonesia

Tujuan dari penyusunan Policy Paper ini adalah: a. Menganalisis kondisi terkini dari AKI, AKB dan AKABA di Indonesia. b. Menganalisis persoalan – persoalan yang terkait dengan AKI, AKB dan AKABA di Indonesia. c. Memahami bagaimana beberapa negara sukses dalam menurunkan AKI, AKB dan AKABA dengan kebijakan yang inovatif. d. Menganalisis kebijakan – kebijakan di beberapa daerah yang sukses dalam menurunkan AKI, AKB dan AKABA. e. Menyusun arah dan strategi kebijakan dalam menurunkan AKI, AKB dan AKABA di Indonesia.
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Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI): Konsep dan Pengukurannya di Indonesia

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Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI): Konsep dan Pengukurannya di Indonesia

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PRAKARSA Working Paper 01 - Multidimensional Poverty and the Risk of COVID-19 in Indonesia

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Towards Sustainable Tax Policies in Asean – A Case of Corporate Income Tax Incentives Image

Towards Sustainable Tax Policies in Asean – A Case of Corporate Income Tax Incentives

IT IS HIGH TIME FOR ALL ASEAN MEMBER STATES TO COLLABORATE WITH ONE ANOTHER AND AGREE UPON THE COMMON MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR CORPORATE TAX INCENTIVES IN THE REGION, TO PREVENT HARMFUL TAX PRACTICES THAT DRAIN ESSENTIAL PUBLIC REVENUE AND CREATE UNNECESSARY COMPETITION AMONG MEMBERS, AND TO ACHIEVE A COMMON GOAL OF BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE AND RESILIENT REGION. The ASEAN region is experiencing unprecedented economic inequality, as some countries still have the highest poverty levels in the world and most countries in the region are failing to invest sufficiently in essential public services. Progressive tax collection and social spending on essential public services such as healthcare, education, and social protection are the most effective ways to fight poverty and inequality. However, most countries in the region fail to invest sufficiently in those services. For some countries (Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Myanmar), the situation is so critical that the Asian Development Bank has already warned that if they do not mobilize significantly greater revenues in the coming years, the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will not be met. The most worrying aspect is that this lack of spending is being seen at a time when countries in the region already seeing their fiscal space stretched. Most ASEAN countries have suffered persistent budget deficits for a long period. Malaysia, Myanmar, and Laos are expected to experience these deficits throughout 2000-2020. Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, and the Philippines will have run the deficits for 17 to 20 years in the same period. In 2018 alone, six ASEAN countries had significant budget deficits, and some have high levels of public debt. On average, the ASEAN region saw a budget deficit of 1.5% of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2018. Budget deficits and consequently public debt are likely to see further significant increases due to the extra budgetary efforts that will be required to overcome the current economic challenges and the health crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is expected that nine ASEAN countries face budget deficits in 2020 with the average one at 4.2% of GDP. In the ASEAN region, levels of revenue collection, measured as a proportion of GDP, remain very low compared with OECD countries. The average ratio across the region was 19.1% of GDP in 2018, lower than half that collected on average in the OECD countries and lower than in the Latin America and the Caribbean region. These low ratios mean that countries in the region have little budget capacity and are running public deficits, and this gap has dramatic consequences for the quality of public services, infrastructure, and levels of good governance. Even before the COVID 19 pandemic, the situation in ASEAN was already unsustainable. Now the situation is even more dire. Initial estimates from the OECD3 predict that the pandemic will have significant negative impacts on tax revenues, while at the same time budget burdens will increase due to governments’ efforts to introduce supportive packages to help cope with the disease. In ASEAN countries, the expected budget spending in response to the coronavirus is enormous. Singapore, for example, will spend a sum equivalent to about 13% of its GDP on extensive fiscal stimulus measures and Thailand 9%, while in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam the figure will be about 3% of GDP. Despite decades-long sustained economic growth, why do countries in the ASEAN region still collect such low amounts of revenue? Because these countries are still highly dependent on revenues from corporate income tax (CIT); however, they are giving up huge amounts of revenue by offering large tax incentives to both domestic and foreign investors. International institutions have repeatedly warned countries in the region to stop offering redundant tax incentives. Tax losses due to corporate tax incentives were estimated to be 6% of GDP in Cambodia and 1% of GDP in Vietnam and the Philippines.5 These lost revenues could have been crucial now in covering large parts of the extra budget spending on responses to COVID-19: These in the Philippines and Vietnam, for example, are equivalent to a third of their financial efforts in response to the COVID 19 pandemic. ASEAN countries need to stop this race to the bottom in taxation at the political level to improve their domestic revenue mobilization if they are serious about overcoming sustainable development challenges such as climate change, widening inequality and high levels of poverty while also recovering from the COVID-19 crisis. In light of this, the report recommends ASEAN to take the following actions to strengthen tax cooperation across the region: 1. DRAW UP A WHITELIST AND A BLACKLIST OF TAX INCENTIVES 2. AGREE ON A MINIMUM TAX STANDARD ACROSS THE ASEAN REGION 3. ESTABLISH RULES FOR THE GOOD GOVERNANCE OF TAX INCENTIVES
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Policy Brief 16 - Long Road to Sustainable Finance in Indonesia

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Praktik Baik Pelatihan Vokasi di Indonesia: Studi Kasus Tiga Balai Latihan Kerja Pemerintah Pusat, Pemerintah Daerah dan Swasta

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