Quota Policy Has Not Been Able to Increase Participation of Persons with Disabilities in the Job Market
May 31, 2022
Darmawan Prasetya, Eka Afrina Djamhari, Aqilatul Layyinah


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Quota Policy Has Not Been Able to Increase Participation of Persons with Disabilities in the Job Market Image

Pekerjaan layak dan lingkungan kerja yang non-diskriminatif masih menjadi mimpi bagi penyandang disabilitas. Tak heran jika 43% penyandang disabilitas berada di kelompok ekonomi terbawah. Tantangan apa sebenarnya yang dialami oleh penyandang disabilitas di pasar kerja? Sudahkah pemerintah turun tangan?Decent work and a non-discriminatory work environment are still a dream for people with disabilities. No wonder 43% of people with disabilities are in the lowest economic group. What are the real challenges faced by persons with disabilities in the labor market? Has the government intervened?

Policy Brief PRAKARSA edisi 31 Mei 2022 terbit untuk menjawab tantangan-tantangan tersebut dengan rekomendasi dari ekspertnya.Policy Briefs PRAKARSA The 31 May 2022 edition was published to answer these challenges with recommendations from experts.

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