Analisis Kualitas Hidup Masyarakat Di Sumatera Barat : Mengunakan Metode Z-Skor Dengan Data Susenas 2008
Август 2013
Wiko Saputra, Rahmah Hida Nurrizka


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Analisis Kualitas Hidup Masyarakat Di Sumatera Barat : Mengunakan Metode Z\u002DSkor Dengan Data Susenas 2008 Image

: This study is an analysis of how the disparities in development in the area caused a gap in quality of life. By using SUSENAS data 2008 for the region of West Sumatra, to analyze the difference in quality of life in the inequality of development. The methodology for assessing the status of quality of life and the inequality of development using Z-score method. Z-score describes the extent to which the position of an object from the mean measured by the standard deviation. The study showed that the obtained spatial aspects of development disparities between regions in West Sumatra, this is reflected in the differences in regional socio-economic conditions and the achievement of the status of quality of life of each region. Review the status of quality of life is to prove that the two variables are fairly obvious problems in the distribution of development among regions in West Sumatra, namely economic and social problems. The complexity of the issue has caused the emergence of inequality in quality of life among the urban with rural communities in West Sumatra.

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