Integrating Human Rights Principles and Gender Aspects in Financial Sector: A Handbook for Banks
Ağustos 29, 2023
Herni Ramdlaningrum, Dwi Rahayu Ningrum, Ricko Nurmansyah, Ah Maftuchan, Victoria Fanggidae + 3 more authors


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Integrating Human Rights Principles and Gender Aspects in Financial Sector: A Handbook for Banks Image

This handbook has been prepared with the aim of providing guidance to banks on integrating human rights and gender aspects in their lending and investment processes. It highlights the risks that banks can face if they ignore human rights and gender issues, such as lawsuits, fines and reputational damage.

It includes examples of how businesses and banks have adopted or addressed human rights and gender issues in lending. The aim is to inspire banks to do the same in their lending policies.

In addition, there are a number of cases for further reference on the risks faced if banks overlook human rights and gender issues in their lending. It provides guidance for banks to grow and realize sustainable finance by promoting the integration of human rights and gender aspects in the lending and investment process.

This book is very useful for banks in developing a lending and investment policy framework that is in line with the principles of sustainable finance because it contains principles and steps in implementing human rights and gender aspects, as well as examples of implementing these aspects in the lending and investment framework.

This guidebook is also intended to support the sustainable finance roadmap that has been prepared by OJK and can be a reference for civil society organizations in monitoring bank responsiveness to human rights and gender aspects. The author hopes that this guide can be a foothold in the dynamics and initiatives of sustainable finance in Indonesia.

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