Wealth Tax: Opportunities for the Integration Between Zakat and Taxes to Overcome Socio-Economic Inequality
Грудень 30, 2022
Eka Afrina Djamhari, Samira Hanim


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 Wealth Tax: Opportunities for the Integration Between Zakat and Taxes to Overcome Socio\u002DEconomic Inequality Image

Zakat is interpreted as obligatory worship, while tax is a muamalah (worldly) act of worship. Looking at BAZNAS data (2020), Indonesia has quite a high zakat potential, reaching 327.6 trillion rupiahs in 2020.

On the other hand, Inequality is a continuously occurring problem in various parts of the world, especially in poor and developing countries such as Indonesia.

Can synergizing the concepts of zakat and wealth tax help solve social development problems?

Policy Brief Issue 36 "Wealth Tax: Opportunities for the Integration Between Zakat and Taxes to Overcome Socio-Economic Inequality", discusses the potential and challenges of collecting zakat or wealth tax in Indonesia and then looks at a comparison of zakat management in Indonesia and Malaysia as well as recommendations that PRAKARSA wrote.

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