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    20 results
    Desintha Dwi Asriani, Herni Ramdlaningrum
    Research paper | , Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung · November 2019 | 🇬🇧 English
    Indonesia’s economic volatility is challenged by the verge of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It will change the structure of work, productivity and, in particular, the dynamic of gender equality. C...
    Herni Ramdlaningrum, Dwi Rahayu Ningrum, Rahmanda Muhammad Thaariq, Widya Kartika
    Policy brief | · November 2019 | 🇬🇧 English
    Trade balance is one of the important indicators of economy because it helps economists and investors to determine the economic relative power in a certain country compared to others. Furthermore, tra...
    Widya Kartika, Rahmanda M. Thaariq, Dwi Rahayu Ningrum, Herni Ramdlaningrum
    Policy brief | · November 2019 | 🇬🇧 English
    Balance of trade is one of the important indicators of economy because it helps economists and investors to assess the economic power in a country relative to the others. Furthermore, balance of trade...
    Widya Kartika, Rahmanda M. Thaariq, Dwi Rahayu Ningrum, Herni Ramdlaningrum, Luhur Fajar Martha + 1 more
    Report | · November 2019 | 🇬🇧 English
    This report presents Perkumpulan PRAKARSA’s findings on the illicit cigarette trade in Indonesia. The analysis in this report focuses on three aspects: the magnitude and demand for illicit cigarettes;...
    Adrian Chrisnahutama, Eka Afrina Djamhari, Herni Ramdlaningrum, Rahmanda Muhammad Thaariq
    Policy brief | · November 2019 | 🇬🇧 English
    The smoking prevalence of adults in Indonesia increased from 33 percent in 2000 to 39 percent in 2016. This rise in smoking allows Indonesia to have one of the highest smoking prevalence in the world ...
    Herni Ramdlaningrum, Dia Mawesti, Dwi Rahayu Ningrum, Fiona Armintasari
    Policy brief | · September 2019 | 🇬🇧 English
    Financial Service Institutions (FSIs) practice in Indonesia have not yet effectively addressed ESG criteria into their core business activities as a part of their risk management strategies. Regulati...
    Cut Nurul Aidha, Ah Maftuchan, Maarten Hietland, Jasper Van Teeffelen
    Policy analysis | · August 2019 | 🇬🇧 English
    An analysis of the treaty and Indonesian court decisions on tax disputes. The double tax agreement between Indonesia and the Netherlands is being used, on a wide scale, for tax avoidance practices. M...
    Herni Ramdlaningrum, Adrian Chrisnahutama, Eka Afrina Djamhari
    Policy brief | · July 2019 | 🇬🇧 English | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Populasi yang menua adalah fenomena global yang mempunyai dampak pada pertumbuhan ekonomi seluruh negara di dunia. Pertambahan populasi lansia di negara berkembang dinilai lebih cepat dari pada di neg...
    Adrian Chrisnahutama, Eka Afrina Djamhari, Herni Ramdlaningrum, Ah Maftuchan, Rahmanda Muhammad Thaariq
    Policy brief | · June 2019 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Prevalensi merokok di kalangan orang dewasa di Indonesia semakin meningkat, dari 33 persen pada 2000 menjadi 39 persen pada 2016. Kondisi ini menempatkan Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara dengan pre...
    Dwi Rahayu Ningrum, Rahmanda M. Thaariq, Muto Sagala, Cut Nurul Aidha
    Policy brief | · April 2019 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Hingga saat ini, kemiskinan di Indonesia masih diukur melalui satu dimensi saja, yakni dimensi rata-rata pengeluaran per kapita per bulan. Pengukuran ini lebih dikenal dengan pengukuran dimensi monete...
    Widya Kartika, Rahmanda M. Thaariq, Dwi Rahayu Ningrum, Herni Ramdlaningrum
    Policy brief | · March 2019 | 🇬🇧 English | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Neraca perdagangan merupakan salah satu indikator penting dalam perekonomian karena dapat membantu para ekonom dan investor menentukan kekuatan relatif ekonomi suatu negara dibandingkan negara lain. S...
    Perkumpulan Prakarsa
    Report | · March 2019 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Development Goals/SDGs) adalah agenda pembangunan berkelanjutan yang mendorong perubahan yang mempunyai prinsip-prinsip universal, intergrasi dan inklusif...
    Widya Kartika, Rahmanda M. Thaariq, Dwi Rahayu Ningrum, Herni Ramdlaningrum
    Policy brief | · March 2019 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Latar Belakang • Di Indonesia, Undang-undang No. 39 Tahun 2007 (Amandemen Undang-undang No. 11 Tahun 1995) menetapkan tarif cukai hingga 57 persen dari harga jual rokok. Namun, situasi saat ini menunj...
    Widya Kartika, Rahmanda M. Thaariq, Dwi Rahayu Ningrum, Herni Ramdlaningrum
    Policy brief | · March 2019 | 🇬🇧 English
    Background: • In Indonesia, Law No. 39 of 2007 (Amendments to Law No. 11 of 1995) allows excise taxes of up to 57 percent of the selling price of cigarettes. Currently, though, cigarette taxes compri...
    Cut Nurul Aidha, Dia Mawesti, Eka Afrina, Dwi Rahayu Ningrum, Rahmanda M. Thariq + 1 more
    Research paper | · February 2019 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Setelah berakhirnya Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) pada tahun 2015, Pemerintah Indonesia berkomitmen untuk melanjutkan pencapaian MDGs dengan menyepakti Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) atau ...